Therefore, we incorporated the Technology and Innovation area to improve internal processes. Over the last two years, the Technology team has developed a range of software and applications designed not only to meet, but to optimize the execution of services in the mining, water resources, environmental, geotechnical and power generation sectors, ensuring that each solution is not only technologically advanced, but also aligned with the needs of each client.
Our main products:
HBR Census
HBR CENSUS is an Android application designed to simplify the registration process. Within a predefined scope, the app provides a form that can be filled in and stored in an online database.
A notable feature of HBR CENSUS is its ability to operate both online and offline, giving users the flexibility to use it without the need for an internet connection. When the connection is re-established, the application automatically synchronizes the data with the online database.
In addition, the application offers the functionality of obtaining geographical coordinates. This allows the coordinates of the place where the registration was made to be included in the database, giving the records a spatial dimension.
HIDROLogic is a web application for water studies that has access with user authentication and lost data from public databases.
Its user interface has been designed to be interactive and intuitive, presenting itself in a dashboard that allows users to explore data and indicators efficiently. With the ability to apply filters and access the full history of information, users can carry out detailed analysis with ease.
Outstanding among its functionalities is the ability to perform precise calculations of key water indicators, including water supply, demand and availability.
The Data Processor of the National Water and Sanitation Agency (PDANA) is an executable desktop application developed to expand and facilitate the automated acquisition and processing of data from the National Hydrometerological Network (RHN), usually accessed manually through the Hidroweb Portal.
The tool’s functions include:
- Providing daily fluviometric and rainfall data in a format that is easier to manipulate.
- Generation of series of minimums, averages and/or maximums on a monthly and annual scale.
- Simplified acquisition of telemetry data.
- Analysis of data availability and failures.
- Identification of the hydrological year.
- Frequency analysis.
- Performing statistical analyses (adjustments to probability distributions, adherence tests, etc.).
PCJ Simulator
The “PCJ Simulator” is a web application developed in PHP that allows you to simulate the calculation of the amount to be charged for the use of water resources in the PCJ Basins, both for the São Paulo state domain and for the Union domain, based on the respective methodologies established in the relevant laws, decrees, resolutions and deliberations.
The application presents a screen for the user to enter data relevant to the calculation of the charge, such as volume granted, measured volume, class of water body classification, basic unit prices, among others, performing the calculation based on the conditions defined by the input data, according to the respective methodologies (São Paulo state and Union, established in the aforementioned legislation), and presenting a results screen with the final calculated values and, interactively, the parameters used in the process. In the São Paulo collection calculation, the individualized results of each interference are shown, divided into each parcel, allowing an overview of the calculation made to reach the final value.
A second application was developed, derived from this “original” application based on current charging methodologies, with methodological changes related to the parameters defined by the input data. These applications will be used in the process of reviewing charging for the use of water resources in the PCJ basins as tools for simulating individualized charging amounts.
Other applications:
Simuladores para el tratamiento por lotes (RiverFlow/HEC-RAS)
Herramientas RiverFlow
Procesador CAV
Conectividad hídrica